Decent proposal

Guys, did you read the article about Instagram influencers being offered £10,000 to go on holiday with someone and possibly engage in extracurricular activities? I was shocked. Not because this is in some people’s mind an apparently indecent proposal, no, I was shocked because the influencers in question declined such an offer. Why would you do that? £10,000 that’s what I call a decent proposal. Decline £10,000 for a holiday in the sun and some ding dong. I don’t know about you but my suitcase, newly acquired British passport and lady bits are ready. When are we taking off?


I was offended too. Yes. I went straight to my lover and said “Sexcuse me Sir, here is your backdated bill. You forgot to pay me.” I have been doing this all wrong. All the holidays we had, I paid 50% of the bills. Forget feminism and equal rights. I have been ripped off! Think about it, when was the last time you got paid to travel, relax and to visit the genital theme park? Seriously, I am disappointed in myself but no longer! From now on I can go on holiday with you but I need to charge. Hm, let me overthink this…

#observationsfromthemetropolis #payme #influencer #insta #felicityfauxpas

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